Monday, December 31, 2007



Garlic's most well known medicinal benefits, likely is its use as an antibiotic. Garlic's antibiotic properties have been studied more extensively than some of the other health benefits. Garlic has been used since the days of the Egyptians to treat wounds, infections, tumors, and intestinal parasites. Back in the nineteenth century they examined Garlic's use as an antibacterial and showed it did kill bacteria under lab conditions. Modern studies show that Garlic has definite antibiotic properties and is effective against many bacteria, fungi and viruses.

An advantage of Garlic is that the body does not seem to build up a resistance to it as it does to many modern antibiotics.

Garlic possesses the ability to stimulate the immune system.

Garlic especially aged garlic can have a powerful antioxidant effect. Antioxidants help to protect the body against damaging "free radicals".

Scientific studies have shown that garlic stimulates the production of the liver's own detoxifying enzymes which neutralize carcinogens and other toxins.

Arthritis Garlic taken daily helps ease the pain and possibly eliminates the disorder by stimulating the immune system.
Asthma A combination of garlic and honey can help stop an attack if taken right away, say herbal practitioners.

Bladder Infections Garlic has proven effective in killing the bacteria responsible for recurrent bladder infections.

Blood Pressue: Garlic is packed with allicin; selenium and other nutrients that, studies show, help keep hypertension under control.

Cancer The National Cancer Institute has been studying how garlic can protect against cancer, and garlic has definitely proved to be a formidable weapon. It is a member of a food group that contains powerful phytochemicals compounds researchers believe inhibit cancer growth.

Researchers have identified three ways garlic protects against cancer: by directing inhibiting tumor cell metabolism, by preventing the initiation and reproduction of cancer cells, and by boosting a person’s immune system to more efficiently fight cancer cells. Several studies have also shown that garlic reduces the risk of stomach cancer.

Garlic can even be effective as a natural mosquito / blackfly repellent.

Caution. If you take medications such as aspirin or other drugs that thin the blood, see your vet/doctor before taking garlic supplements. If you are going for surgery, stop taking garlic beforehand. Garlic has anticoagulant properties.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

You hear so many tips and trick about weight loss that it may leave you wondering which tips are the best and which tricks are really tricks?

You hear so many tips and trick about weight loss that it may leave you wondering which tips are the best and which tricks are really tricks? Let's look at how food and exercise affect metabolism and weight loss to help us understand why some of these tips and tricks work or don't work.

Lately you may have heard a lot about low carbohydrate diets and claims that they are working and that people are getting healthier without paying attention to the amount of fat they are eating. You may have even heard that the USDA is looking at changing the food pyramid.

There is a major flaw in the low fat diet plan and scientist are finally having to admit to it. Very little of your bodies Cholesterol comes from diet. Your body manufactures most of your Cholesterol from Carbohydrates. The culprit of turning these carbohydrates into fat is Insulin.

Insulin is vital to life because it regulates blood sugar, controls the storage of fat, regulates the liver's production of cholesterol, functions as a growth hormone, is important in appetite control, drives the kidneys to retain fluid and much more. It is absolutely essential to life, but too much of a good thing can sometimes cause problems. Too much insulin can cause fat storage, cholesterol production and is caustic to the blood vessels. Insulin, by activating or inhibiting various metabolic pathways, can make us sleepy, hungry, satisfied, dizzy, lightheaded or bloated.

As you age your insulin receptors become less sensitive to insulin so your body overproduces insulin to meet what it thinks is it's need. By carefully monitoring the types and amount of carbohydrates we eat we can clean up our insulin receptors. Decreased insulin receptor site sensitivity is frequently the problem that Type II Diabetics (Adult Onset Diabetics) have.

Not mixing certain food types is a dietary concept out there now that actually makes some sense. For example it is a fact that if you eat only a fat and a protein together the fat goes right through you. Dietary fat by itself is not the culprit but when you add a carbohydrate to the mix the body will turn the dietary fat into body fat. If you eat a little protein and carbohydrate (Low Fat Diet) together your body will make fat to either store or use for energy depending on your activity level at the time. But why? You didn't eat any fat?!

As an example: After that fat free ice cream cone, your body produced more insulin than it needed because of your plugged insulin receptors. The insulin does what it is supposed to; it lowers your blood sugar level but then there is extra insulin circulating around so it goes to work and turns some fat into cholesterol and stores some fat somewhere else incase you decide to skip supper tonight.

By decreasing your intake of concentrated sweets, like sugar sweetened food and not overeating starches like breads, pasta and potatoes you may keep your body from the overproduction of insulin. Carbohydrates actually have a metabolic affect that make any fat you eat worse for you. Carbohydrates affect the hormone balance in your body to add to depression, lack of energy and mood swings.

Exercise really is the key for healthy weight loss. By increasing the strength and mass of your muscles you are better able to burn calories. Exercise makes the rest of your everyday activities easier therefore burning up more calories not only from the exercise but from having more energy to complete your daily activities. Having that energy is more likely to keep you busy so you think about eating less often.

Not eating 3 hours before bedtime is something you may have heard that will help you loose weight. There is much truth in this too, for more than one reason. We know that if you go to bed shortly after a big meal you don't sleep as well and you also don't have a chance to "work off" your meal but their is also another big factor.

Human Growth Hormone (hgh) is produced at night to help our body build and repair muscle. If you eat a carbohydrate within 2 to 3 hours of sleep time your body will not produce near as much of this hormone.

Exercise first thing in the morning now makes some sense too. If you have not eaten after your evening meal your body in the morning is fasting. If you exercise before breakfast it forces your body to burn fat. It looks like if you followed that exercise with a protein breakfast it would keep you in the "fat burning" (glycogen dominant) phase a little longer.

Quality protein sources like that found in meat, eggs, fish, and nuts is the best and quickest way to build lean body mass when you are part of an exercise program. Lean body mass (muscle) will help you burn calories. Because carbohydrates are what turns dietary fat into body fat it is healthier to avoid the carbohydrates than to avoid the fat because frequently by avoiding naturally occurring fats you also avoiding good quality protein sources.

Protein requirements are figured based on lean body mass so it is difficult to state the requirements. An average sized adult female (about 140 lbs) requirements are 50 grams protein a day but may need to be as high as 75 grams when very active during an exercise program. For an average adult male (about 175-180lbs) is 65 grams and could be as high as 90 grams a day during an exercise program.

Tip on foods to eat and foods to avoid:


All sugar sweetened foods if you are serious about a weight loss program.

As often as possible foods that are all or almost all starch content like potatoes, white bread, and pasta.

Processed foods often have unhealthy fat sources and chemical additives that drag your system down.


All vegetables especially green vegetables raw vegetables and salads.

Meat, eggs, nuts, fish, tofu and beans. Whole grain cereals, pasta and breads.

The carbohydrates you do eat make them from whole foods in their natural state fresh fruit with the skins because the extra fiber will help with the carbohydrate digestion.

Fresh fruits to get your vitamins needed to make you feel good while exercising and taking care of your health.

The looks like it would be a great tool to count the grams of protein and carbohydrates eaten each day.

With this we have come back to the basics again. Eating whole foods in their natural state is always your best bet. Now we can see why our grandparents could eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and still be in great health. By eating certain foods at certain times and with some moderation in what we eat we can eat well and feel great doing it. We can improve our health and emotional well-being while improving our physical body.

Ayurvedic Indian Medicine - Triphala

Ayurvedic Indian Medicine - Triphala

Triphala, the internal cleanser that purifies and strengthens

Are you persistently irregular? Yes, you're uncomfortable, but if you're about to reach for the laxatives, stop!

Indian Ayurvedic medicine's Triphala, in Elite's own unique formula, will do much more for you than any ordinary herbal laxative. Triphala is the most popular herbal formula in India, where it's much revered for its powers, and it's becoming known in the West.

Triphala is exceptional because not only does it function as a laxative, it's also an all-round health booster. Triphala will end constipation and make you regular, and it will also completely tone and regularise your system.

Many minor health conditions, like overweight and chronic tiredness aren't illnesses in themselves. However, they are signs of an imbalance in the body. Triphala regularises all your body's systems.

The two kinds of herbal laxative and why Triphala is different

Today many people live a relatively sedentary lifestyle. They work at an office, where they sit all day. They walk to their car, then spend the evening in front of the TV.

It's no wonder that herbal laxatives are so popular. However, as efficient as your laxative may be, it's not helping you to good health.

Let's look at the two main kinds of herbal laxatives: purgative laxatives, and bulk-creating laxatives.

A purgative natural laxative contains herbs such as senna, rhubarb, buckthorne and cascara. They work by stimulating the peristaltic action in the intestine, and can work very quickly and violently.

The other common kind of herbal laxative is one that creates bulk with herbs like such as psyllium and flax seed. These laxatives work by swelling and absorbing water, so that natural peristalsis of the body occurs.

Of the purgatives and bulk-creating laxatives, only the bulk-creators provide any nutrition - and then only a tiny amount.

Triphala is different. Yes, it's laxative, but it's also much more. It's been called the body's own natural mother, because it cares for the body's internal organs like a mother caring for her child.

Amazing Triphala: your key to good health

Amazing Triphala supports every system of your body, including the nervous system, the excretory system, the digestive system, and the circulatory system.

This wonderful combination of Indian fruits is a tonic for your heart, as well as for your liver. It has also been found to be effective in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and colitis.

Triphala starts its work by cleansing and detoxifying your entire body, giving you a fresh start on your journey to bouncing health and vital energy. It tones the digestive tract, so that you never need to feel bloated again.

Triphala helps your digestion: it makes sure that your body extracts every particle of nourishment from the food you eat. This is especially important as we age, because all our systems slow down - Triphala helps your digestion to work smoothly, relieving symptoms like heartburn and gastric reflux, and improving the assimilation of food.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, Triphala has been found to reduce blood pressure.

Around middle age, gall bladder problems, with associated inflammation in the bowel, is a common problem. Since Triphala is both antiviral and antibacterial, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, which relieves pain.

Once you start on Triphala, you'll find that it regulates both constipation and diarrhoea, so that you're never troubled by these common ailments.

How should you use Triphala?
To maintain health, once started Triphala should be taken every day for life, working up to three tablets per day.


Elite's Triphala is the unique formula which has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic herbalism. It formula contains equal portions of three Indian fruits, amla (Embilica officinalis), behada (Terminalia belerica) and harada (Terminalia chebula). You're assured that you're getting the same formula that you'd get if you attended a practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine.

The Power of Ganoderma in Oriental Medicine

The Power of Ganoderma in Oriental Medicine

Ganoderma, a rare variety of Mushroom credited with the highest medicinal qualities by the classic Chinese 'Seng Nong' is indeed a subject of much research from the ancient china of 100 B.C. or earlier to the modern times by various universities and research organizations. It is also known as Linghzi in China and Reishi in Japan.

It is said that in the ancient times anyone who found the rare Linghzi never revealed the place and kept it a secret of health, longevity and wealth. The Japanese revered the herb as 'God's Herb' where it is known as Reishi.

Lingzhi in medicine was considered so auspicious that its medical efficacy has been attested to in the oldest Chinese medical text (over 2,000 years old). The book, which is known in Japan as "Shinnoh Honsohkyo", is now accepted as being the original textbook of Oriental medical science. In it, 365 kinds of medicines are classified and explained. Ganoderma is classified as "Superior Herb" or "God's Herbs" and they are for perpetual youth and longevity. The book states that for "superior" medicines, any amount can be taken as desired on a continuous basis with no unfavorable effects. Of the superior medicines listed in the text, Lingzhi was rated number one. You can see how important and powerful Lingzhi was considered in ancient times. It achieved its ranking in the Chinese text not because of its symbolic importance as a good omen but because of its medicinal properties. Centuries ago, Lingzhi was said to be a medicine that would grant you eternal youth and longevity.

But after 2,000 years, Lingzhi has jumped into the spotlight as a specific medicine for cancer. This must be a bitter irony for those in the modern medical profession who discounted the herbal remedies and oriental medicine as being "old wives' tales". The families of many cancer patients who have received a diagnostic "death sentence" now seek reishi as the only way left for them.

The Linghzi Mushrooms grows only on old tree barks with specific conditions difficult to replicate.

Till 1971 the herb was so rare that it was hardly sited except in mountainous areas. Many researchers had attempted to plant Ganoderma artificially but failed. Till in 1971 directed by Naoi Department of Agriculture and Professor Zenzaburo Kasai, Kyoto University made a breakthrough in its cultivation.

Presently the herb is grown only by 10 countries. The demand far outstrips supply due to the increasing evidence through various researches on its efficacy in treating many disease including Cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Liver disorders and mainly as a preventive due its rich anti oxidant and detoxifying qualities. You can check further resources at

Some of the research in Japan indicates that those that have taken Ganoderma for over a year the visit to doctors dropped into half. There are thousands of research paper available including on the internet on the subject of the healing breakthroughs achieved by Ganoderma in various treatments and too lengthy to discuss here. However we can highlight the research in short.

Summarized from these reports, it is found that Lingzhi have the following properties:

Improves cholesterosis, coronary insufficiency.

Improves hyper and hypotensions.

Improves nervous tension, neurosis.

Improves chronic bronchitis, hepatitis.

Improves leukocytopenia and reticuloendothelial system.

Effective in numerous other ailments.

The three major killers these days are: cancer, cerebrosis and coronary diseases. The latter two have their etiology closely linked to the blood circulatory system. Related problems like stroke, heart block, arteriosclerosis, obesity etc. are all tied to problems in the blood circulation. One out of three persons dies from one of the above ailments everyday.

Lingzhi can correct this imbalance and strengthen the system to prevent further deterioration.

What are noteworthy are its preventive capabilities. For the 21st century man, stressed out, poisoned by the polluted atmosphere, wrong food habits and drug induced illnesses of the modern medicine. While modern medicine has been very effective in treating certain conditions effectively and immediately, they do not address the holistic approach of the ancient medicine as a preventive and for regeneration of wasted tissues and damaged cells.

In conclusion, Ganoderma has been proven to exert significant effect on diminishing pain, fortifying the body's immune system and prolonging life. Even though its role in cancer control has not been determined 100 percent yet.

Ganoderma has a history of 3,000 years, during which time it is widely used by many people with no reported unfavorable side effects. It is therefore highly recommend for prevention. I hope that people from all walks of life will take a concerned interest and share in development of Herbal treatments. Hopefully, with so much research and emerging evidence, Ganoderma can bring a brighter outlook to the human race in the conquest of longevity.

Herbal Medicine has been used for thousands of years to succ

Herbal Medicine has been used for thousands of years to succ

Herbs or medicinal plants have a long history in treating disease and health disorders. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, the written history of herbal medicine goes back over 2000 years and herbalists in the West have used "weeds" equally long to treat that which ails us. We are all familiar with the virtues of Garlic, Chamomile, Peppermint, Lavender, and other common herbs.

Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking for 'new drugs' and more effective substances to treat diseases, for which there may be no or very few drugs available.

Considering the very long traditional use of herbal medicines and the large body of evidence of their effectiveness, why is it that we are not generally encouraged to use traditional herbal medicine, instead of synthetic, incomplete copies of herbs, called drugs, considering the millions of dollars being spent looking for these seemingly elusive substances?

Herbs are considered treasures when it comes to ancient cultures and herbalists, and many so-called weeds are worth their weight in gold. Dandelion, Comfrey, Digitalis (Foxglove), the Poppy, Milk Thistle, Stinging nettle, and many others, have well-researched and established medicinal qualities that have few if any rivals in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of them in fact, form the bases of pharmaceutical drugs.

Research into the medicinal properties of such herbs as the humble Dandelion is currently being undertaken by scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens, in Kew, west London, believe it could be the source of a life-saving drug for cancer patients.

Early tests suggest that it could hold the key to warding off cancer, which kills tens of thousands of people every year.

Their work on the cancer-beating properties of the dandelion, which also has a history of being used to treat warts, is part of a much larger project to examine the natural medicinal properties of scores of British plants and flowers.

Professor Monique Simmonds, head of the Sustainable Uses of Plants Group at Kew, said: "We aren't randomly screening plants for their potential medicinal properties, we are looking at plants which we know have a long history of being used to treat certain medical problems."

"We will be examining them to find out what active compounds they contain which can treat the illness."

Unfortunately, as is so often the case, this group of scientists appears to be looking for active ingredients, which can later be synthesized and then made into pharmaceutical drugs. This is not the way herbs are used traditionally and their functions inevitably change when the active ingredients are used in isolation. That's like saying that the only important part of a car is the engine - nothing else needs to be included.

So, why is there this need for isolating the 'active ingredients'?

As a scientist, I can understand the need for the scientific process of establishing the fact that a particular herb works on a particular disease, pathogen or what ever, and the need to know why and how it does so. But, and this is a BIG but, as a doctor of Chinese medicine I also understand the process of choosing and prescribing COMBINATIONS of herbs, which have a synergistic effect to treat not just the disease, but any underlying condition as well as the person with the disease - That is a big difference and not one that is easily tested using standard scientific methodologies.

Using anecdotal evidence, which after all has a history of thousands of years, seems to escape my esteemed colleagues all together. Rather than trying to isolate the active ingredient(s), why not test these herbs, utilizing the knowledge of professional herbalists, on patients in vivo, using the myriad of technology available to researchers and medical diagnosticians to see how and why these herbs work in living, breathing patients, rather than in a test tube or on laboratory rats and mice (which, by the way, are not humans and have a different, although some what similar, physiology to us.).

I suspect, that among the reasons for not following the above procedure is that the pharmaceutical companies are not really interested in the effects of the medicinal plants as a whole, but rather in whether they can isolate a therapeutic substance which can then be manufactured cheaply and marketed as a new drug - and of course that's where the money is.

The problem with this approach is however, that medicinal plants like Comfrey, Dandelion and other herbs usually contain hundreds if not thousands of chemical compounds that interact, yet many of which are not yet understood and cannot be manufactured. This is why the manufactured drugs, based on so-called active ingredients, often do not work or produce side effects.

Aspirin is a classic case in point. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in Aspirin tablets, and was first isolated from the bark of the White Willow tree. It is a relatively simple compound to make synthetically, however, Aspirin is known for its ability to cause stomach irritation and in some cases ulceration of the stomach wall.

The herbal extract from the bark of the White Willow tree generally does not cause stomach irritation due to other, so called 'non-active ingredients' contained in the bark, which function to protect the lining of the stomach thereby preventing ulceration of the stomach wall.

Ask yourself, which would I choose - Side effects, or no site effects? - It's a very simple answer. Isn't it?

So why then are herbal medicines not used more commonly and why do we have pharmaceutical impostors stuffed down our throats? The answer is, that there's little or no money in herbs for the pharmaceutical companies. They, the herbs, have already been invented, they grow easily, they multiply readily and for the most part, they're freely available.

Further more, correctly prescribed and formulated herbal compounds generally resolve the health problem of the patient over a period of time, leaving no requirement to keep taking the preparation - that means no repeat sales. no ongoing prescriptions. no ongoing problem.

Pharmaceuticals on the other hand primarily aim to relieve symptoms - that means: ongoing consultations, ongoing sales, ongoing health problems - which do you think is a more profitable proposition.?

Don't get me wrong, this is not to say that all drugs are impostors or that none of the pharmaceutical drugs cure diseases or maladies - they do and some are life-preserving preparations and are without doubt invaluable. However, herbal extracts can be similarly effective, but are not promoted and are highly under-utilized.

The daily news is full of 'discoveries' of herbs found to be a possible cure of this or that, as in the example of Dandelion and its possible anti-cancer properties. The point is, that these herbs need to be investigated in the correct way. They are not just 'an active ingredient'. They mostly have hundreds of ingredients and taking one or two in isolation is not what makes medicinal plants work. In addition, rarely are herbal extracts prescribed by herbalists as singles (a preparation which utilizes only one herb). Usually herbalists mix a variety of medicinal plants to make a mixture, which addresses more than just the major symptoms.

In Chinese medicine for example there is a strict order of hierarchy in any herbal prescription, which requires considerable depth of knowledge and experience on the physicians part. The fact that the primary or principle herb has active ingredients, which has a specific physiological effect, does not mean the other herbs are not necessary in the preparation. This is a fact seemingly ignored by the pharmaceutical industry in its need to manufacture new drugs that can control disease.

Knowing that medicinal plants are so effective, that these plants potentially hold the key to many diseases, are inexpensive and have proven their worth time and time again over millennia, why is it that herbal medicine is still not in the forefront of medical treatments, and is considered by many orthodox medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies as hocus-pocus.. hmmm.

The Secret Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Secret Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been used for thousands of years for a variety of healing purposes. In fact, there are references to it in the Bible as a powerful healing agent. ACV contains a perfect balance of 19 vital minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, sodium, iron, fluorine and silicon to name a few.

In addition to the minerals, it also contains 93 different healthy components that can even help your body regulate blood pressure and support your immune system. It also acts as a natural germ fighter as well as a powerful cleansing agent.

ACV also has some great external benefits as well. Not only does it maintain healthy skin, it also soothes sunburn and prevents dandruff. Researchers claim it can prevent baldness if used as a topical solution as opposed to being ingested. One of the most sought after qualities of ACV today are for it's weight loss properties.

Studies have shown that the nutrients, enzymes, and organic acids found in ACV act as a weight loss component by safely suppressing the appetite and increasing the body's metabolic rate.
There are some weight loss suppliers that have formulated an all natural weight loss supplement that contains a careful mixture of ACV that can be taken daily.